Our original, award-winning backrest support, the ObusForme Highback Backrest Support transforms ordinary chairs into ergonomically correct seating. Unlike ordinary "L"-shaped chairs, the "S"-shape of the Obus Forme Backrest Supports mold your spine into a more anatomically correct position, and help to enhance overall posture by supporting proper spinal...
支架富有彈性及還原力,能減低脊椎所受的壓力,對於長時間工作易患背痛者起預防作用。 外層特製尼龍,柔軟舒適,防敏感.配備小枕承托腰部空隙。 装箱體積高22“X闊17"X厚7 1/2”。 重1.2KG,厚度約4吋。 顏色:黑色,紅色,藍色 背墊完全依照人體脊椎原始曲線設計而成,為了能提供上腎部及腰部強而有力的支撑,不僅讓脊椎痛患者有效減輕疼痛,也幫助使用者隨時保持正確的坐姿,可適用於家居梳化,汽車座椅,寫字樓座椅等。
The uniquely designed ObusForme Seat evenly distributes body weight and encourages proper alignment of the pelvis and thighs for extended sitting comfort. Use it with any ObusForme Backrest Support to create a complete and comfortable ergonomic sitting experience. 顏色:黑色/紅色/藍色(只有黑色) 呎寸:17X17吋